
life's about great discenment & different choices

apparently,i'm not the kind of blogger that has a sense of responsibility.
long left abandoned and back to it once again,its seems alike a sin x graph,
together once in a while & always parted.
life is once again filled up with advanced learning of maths.
calculus,i kill you or you kill me?
hesitated once considering SUEC for the sake of you,btw,is there time left to make a decision?i'm abit frazzled occasionally._.

i wanna learn french,seriously.

someone is sleeping/taking a nap while i'm typing this.xD
sleep tight yep(:

love the path you have chosen,
a restless road no turning back;learning.
What we think, or what we know, or what we believe, is in the end, of little consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do.
Our choicest plans
have fallen through,
our airiest castles
tumbled over,
because of lines
we neatly drew
and later neatly
stumbled over.

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